Published professional and journal articles by Jun Cowan
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2020: Cowan, E.J., Deposit-scale structural architecture of the Sigma-Lamaque gold deposit, Canada—insights from a newly proposed 3D method for assessing structural controls from drill hole data, Mineralium Deposita 55, 217-240 (Official Open Access Article)
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2020: Cowan, E.J., Arquitectura estrutural à escala do depósito para o depósito aurífero de Sigma-Lamaque, Canadá—perspectivas de um método 3D recentemente proposto para avaliar controlos estruturais a partir de sondagens, Mineralium Deposita 55, 217-240 (s'inscrire / se connecter pour accéder)
2020: Cowan, E.J., Структурная архитектура месторождения Сигма-Ламак, Канада - анализ результатов, полученных впервые предложенным 3D методом для оценки структурных факторов контроля по данным бурения, Mineralium Deposita 55, 217-240 (Зарегистрируйтесь / войдите для доступа)
2020: Cowan, E.J., Arquitectura estructural a escala del yacimiento de oro Sigma-Lamaque, Canadá: información sobre un método 3D recientemente propuesto para evaluar controles estructurales a partir de datos de perforación, Mineralium Deposita 55, 217-240 (Inscrivez-vous / connectez-vous pour accéder)
2020: Cowan, E.J., Etude de l’architecture estructurase du gisement d’or de Sigma-Lamaque, Canada : perspectives d’une Nouvelle approche analytique en 3D pour identifier les contrôles structuraux à partir de données de forage, Mineralium Deposita 55, 217-240 (s'inscrire / se connecter pour accéder)
2015: Vollgger S.A., Cruden A.R., Ailleres, L. and Cowan, E.J., Regional dome evolution and its control on ore-grade distribution: insights from 3D implicit modelling of the Navachab gold deposit, Namibia, Ore Geology Reviews, 69, 268-284. (Register/login to access)
2014: Cowan, E.J., Geological Interpretation and Geological Modelling, AusIMM Monograph 30: Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation — The AusIMM Guide to Good Practice, second edition, 137-143. (Register/login to access)
2014: Haddow, D.J. and Cowan, E.J., Practical Implicit Dyke Modelling — Newmont Boddington Gold, Western Australia, AusIMM Monograph 30: in Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation — The AusIMM Guide to Good Practice, second edition, 221-228. (Register/login to access)
2014: Cowan, E.J., ‘X-ray Plunge Projection’— Understanding Structural Geology from Grade Data, AusIMM Monograph 30: Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation — The AusIMM Guide to Good Practice, second edition, 207-220. (Register/login to access)
2012: Cowan, E.J., The Deposit Model Paradox., Structural Geology and Resources 2012 - Extended Abstracts Volume (ed: J. Vearncombe), Australian Institute of Geoscientists Bulletin 56, 48-49. (Register/login to access)
2011: Cowan, E.J., Spragg, K.J. and Everitt, M.R., Wireframe-free Geological Modelling – An Oxymoron or a Value Proposition?, In: Eighth International Mining Geology Conference Proceedings. AusIMM Publication Series No 8/2011, 247–259. (Reprinted in the AusIMM Monograph 30). (download without registering)
2007: Knight, R.H., Lane, R.G., Ross, H.J., Abraham, A.P.G. and Cowan, E.J., Implicit Ore Delineation, In: Proceedings of Exploration 07: Fifth Decennial Conference on Mineral Exploration (Editor B. Milkereit), 1165-1169. (download without registering)
2004: Cowan, E.J., Lane, R.G., Ross,H.J., Leapfrog's implicit drawing tool: a new way of drawing geological objects of any shape rapidly in 3D, In: Mining Geology 2004 Workshop (Eds M.J. Berry and M.L. Quigley), Australian Institute of Geoscientists Bulletin 41, 23-25. (download without registering)
2003: Cowan, E.J., Beatson, R.K., Ross, H.J., Fright, W.R., McLennan, T.J., Evans, T.R., Carr, J.C., Lane, R.G., Bright, D.V.,Gillman, A.J., Oshust, P.A. and Titley, M., Practical Implicit Geological Modelling, Fifth International Mining Geology Conference Proceedings (Editor, S. Dominy). AusIMM Publication Series No 8/2003, 89–99. Reproduced with the permission of Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. (download without registering)
2002: Cowan, E.J., Beatson, R.K., Fright, W.R., McLennan, T.J. and Mitchell, T.J., Rapid Geological Modelling, Applied Structural Geology for Mineral Exploration and Mining International Symposium Abstract Volume (Ed. S. Vearncombe) Australian Institute of Geoscientists Bulletin, 36: 39-4. Proceedings of the International Structural Conference held in Kalgoorlie Western Australia, 23–25 September 2002. Extended abstract (extended from the original abstract with coloured figures from the poster). (download without registering)
1999: Cowan, E.J., Riller, U., and Schwerdtner, W.M.,, Emplacement geometry of the Sudbury Igneous Complex: Structural examination of a proposed impact melt-sheet, In: Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution II (eds: B.O. Dressler and V.L. Sharpton): Boulder Colorado, Geological Society of America Special Paper 339, 399-418. (download without registering)
1999: Cowan, E.J., Magnetic fabric constraints on the initial geometry of the Sudbury Igneous Complex: a folded sheet or a basin-shaped igneous body? , Tectonophysics 307, 135-162. (download without registering)
1993: Cowan, E.J., Longitudinal fluvial drainage patterns within a foreland basin-fill: Permo-Triassic Sydney Basin, Australia., Sedimentary Geology 85, 557-577. (download without registering)
1991: Cowan, E.J., The large-scale architecture of the fluvial Westwater Canyon Member, Morrison Formation (Jurassic), San Juan Basin, New Mexico, In: The three-dimensional facies architecture of terrigenous clastic sediments, and its implications for hydrocarbon discovery and recovery (edited by Miall, A. D. and Tyler, N.). SEPM (Society of Sedimentary Geologists) Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology 3, 80-93. (download without registering)